Micron Droplets

Rotary Atomizer | Enhanced Evaporation | Micron Droplets | Recycling | Sustainable | Wastewater | Accelerated Evaporation | Gladiator-120

Cutting-Edge Atomizer Technology

Explore the innovative use of 3D printed atomizer baskets for efficient evaporation processes.

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Rotary Atomizer | Enhanced Evaporation | Micron Droplets | Accelerated Evaporation

Innovative Atomizer Basket: Transforming Liquid Dispersion

Evaporation King has been leading the way in developing innovative rotary atomizer concepts to tackle the challenge of producing small micron droplets...

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Pure Water | Rotary Atomizer | Enhanced Evaporation | Droplet Control | Micron Droplets | Sustainable | Evaporation King | Accelerated Evaporation

EK’s Weather & Droplet Control

Evaporation King now offers Weather and Droplet Control (WDC) using live weather data. The PLC/HMI interface gives the operator site-specific automati...

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